A Werewolf In Prison

 In a harrowing tale of survival and consequences, Bob, James, and John embarked on a long-awaited hunting trip only to encounter terrifying werewolves. Devastatingly, the encounter led to the gruesome demise of two men, leaving Bob as the lone survivor with severe wounds inflicted by the supernatural creatures. Despite his injuries, Bob made a miraculous recovery that bewildered him until the fateful revelation of his impending lycanthropic transformation during the next full moon.

Tragically, Bob's newfound condition drew the wrath of vengeful werewolves seeking retribution for the death he caused while escaping from their clutches. In a chilling turn of events, his girlfriend fell victim to the werewolf pack, taken captive in lieu of Bob's own life.

Facing the dire consequences of his actions, Bob found himself behind bars for killing a werewolf who had reverted to human form. Fearing the repercussions of his lycanthropy, he willingly subjected himself to isolation in solitary confinement within the confines of the prison walls, masking his supernatural affliction from the outside world...

Please note that this incomplete synopsis of an idea for a story I made up can be used by anyone for the plot of a book, play, movie, or a television show because I have not made it subject to copyright. Any flexibility needed for making adjustments is fully authorized at your discretion.


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