The Spirit Realms of the Inner Dimension

 In the inner dimensions of the spirit realms, there exist distinct planes that cater to varying levels of energy and consciousness. These realms serve as abodes for souls at different stages of their spiritual journey.

Firstly, we have the "Jot na rin jin," a realm where spirits of low energy and consciousness reside while awaiting reincarnation. Next is the "O'In kar," designated for souls with higher levels of energy and awareness. The "Rar rin kar" is occupied by spirits of exceptionally high energy who have advanced beyond the need for reincarnation.

Furthermore, the "So ham kim" realm is inhabited by guardian angels and soul helpers who guide and support those awaiting reincarnation. Lastly, the "Sat vin kar" realm signifies the ultimate union with the supreme consciousness for souls who have achieved 100 percent pure energy.

It is crucial to understand that each realm has specific energy and awareness requirements, and a soul can only enter a particular realm when its energy aligns with the realm's standards. These realms offer a structured and progressive path for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Each realm has 5 sections for evolving souls. As they reach the maximum level of a realm, they advance to the next realm.

The 6th spirit realm, known as Mernajin, holds significant spiritual importance in the cosmic hierarchy. It is believed to be the sacred abode where the consciousness of the supreme being resides, emanating pure enlightenment and divine energy. In this realm, the spirits of Sat Vin Kar, having attained the highest level of spiritual evolution, reunite with the supreme being, merging their essence with the universal power that interconnects our world with other dimensions across the cosmos.

The concept of Mernajin symbolizes the cyclical nature of spiritual evolution and the continuous flow of cosmic energy that sustains the balance of the universe. It serves as a beacon of spiritual guidance and enlightenment for those who seek to transcend worldly limitations and align themselves with the greater forces of creation.

Exploring the intricate depths of the 6th spirit realm unveils profound truths about the interconnectedness of all beings and the limitless possibilities that exist beyond the confines of our physical reality. It invites introspection and contemplation on the eternal journey of the soul towards ultimate unity with the supreme consciousness.


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